Visual Identity

Visual Designer, UX people

A joyful and inclusive brand uniting designers through humor, camaraderie, and a shared love for UX

Björg is the visionary behind the creation and branding of UX People. The concept aimed to establish a welcoming space and laid-back environment for the exchange of UX skills, irrespective of one's experience level or workplace. At the core of this initiative was the belief that sharing is caring.

The challenge was to develop a brand that not only embodied a vibrant color palette but also incorporated humorous elements of nerdy UX jokes. The goal was to cultivate a brand that brought joy, fostered a sense of belonging, and shared laughs—a laughter that resonated uniquely with designers.

To infuse the brand with a cheerful atmosphere, a lively color palette was chosen. Humorous elements, including playful nods to nerdy UX jokes, were incorporated into the visual identity. The approach centered on creating an environment where the shared passion for UX was not only celebrated but also embraced with a light-hearted and jovial spirit.

The result was a brand that radiated joy, inclusivity, and a shared sense of humor within the design community. UX People became a place where laughter and learning coexisted, creating a unique bond among designers who understood the nuances of the craft. The visual identity, crafted by Björg, not only represented a platform for UX skills but also stood as a testament to the camaraderie shared by the creative minds in the field.

Title: Visual Designer & Founder
When: 2013
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
What: Branding

Explore more in this collection

Illustrated Adventures in the World of Wine
Step into the world of wine through BJÖRG´s illustrative portfolio, where each stroke of the pen weaves whimsical tales of vineyard aphids, lunar wine, and the most valuable nose, offering a blend of humor and poignant storytelling.
Illustrator Agent at Illozoo
As an agent at Illozoo, Björg played a pivotal role in representing and managing illustrators on a global scale, showcasing her prowess in client management and global client relations, leaving an indelible mark in the realm of illustration.
Illozoo the Illustration Agency
Illustration Style N°02
The Illustration style N° 02 has soft tones, input of comics and humor.
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Design Apprentice at MENO
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MENO Total
Graphic Designer, Web designer
Viasat Golf Card App
As the app designer BJÖRG's focus was on enhancing the platform to provide increased value to users and golf courses. Her work led to a more secure, user-friendly, and universally accessible application, resulting in higher app usage and greater player engagement at partner golf courses.
UX Designer
Illustration Style N°01
This artsy and monochrome illustrations style is made with only one felt-tip pen.
Björg Helene Eggen
Designer at LightWeb
Björg ingeniously crafted digital experiences that seamlessly blended function and design.
Visual Designer & UX Designer
Visual Identity at Tyresö Transport
Revitalizing Tyresö Transport's brand identity. This case study highlights the creation of a dynamic logo that captured sporty elegance while staying playful and appealing to their target audience.
Tyresö Transport
Visual Designer
Design Director at Nameless
We are, a design consultancy here to co-create experiences made for people.goals.
Design Director
Visual Identity, BJÖRG Creative
Step into the world of BJÖRG Creative, where a vibrant and harmonious color palette defines a unique visual identity that inspires creativity and celebrates artistic expression.
BJÖRG Creative
Visual Designer & Founder
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